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RAT 4 Default Events

These are the default events that come with a fresh RAT install. Events are not always added to the upgrade script as its time consuming and really, just a pain.

These are not mandatory, they are included with every fresh install of RAT. After time, changes are made that you might not have. This will allow you to import those events, as you'd like.

However, RAT offers an event Import/Export system. You can access it by Opening RAT, then clicking the Events button on the toolbar. Once that opens, click the last icon on the Events toolbar, for Import/Export Events.


You can CTRL-CLICK or SHIFT-CLICK to select multiple items, or select none and all will be imported.

You can click each event to see exactly what will be imported, before importing.

Choose whether you want to overwrite matching events, skip them (do nothing), or add a prefix to the event name, keeping the original and writing a new one.

You can also set the Enabled status of the event when imported.
Default is whatever it is in the imported event
Enabled will set the event enabled
Disabled, will disable the event
First release
Last update
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