Rat4 bank


New member
Sep 24, 2023
I LOVE Rat4. Best thing since slice bread. Do have a question though. I have enabled banking. From what i understand players are supposed to get 1 zombuck per minute or per zombie killed. The bank balance always stays on zero though. Pretty much have everything figured out and working but for this.

Do have a how to question.
I'd like to make an 'any player chat' type event.

I want the player to type in

and have rat4 execute

gfx pp enable

in the f1 window to turn off the fog.

I know how to trigger on detecting /gfx
I know how to send a confirmation message that its done.

Whats the command to do the gfx pp enable in the f1 window of the local pc? if possible?

All help appreciated.
I'm glad you're enjoying RAT. =)

As for killing zombies, make sure that you have that event enabled in RAT. I'm on my work PC at the moment so can't screenshot it for you, but check the events and you should find what you need.

I've never used the console command you're talking about, but it seems as though that's a client command? Meaning each player would have to run that command on their local console window? If so, that's not something you can do. You can't run anything on the client. You'd need a mod, that was running on the players game instance to do something like that, which would mean... it would have to exist with the functionality you want, and each player would have to install it, etc.
You called it. The PLAYER KILLED ZOMBIE was disabled. If you get a moment would you pls screen print the correct setting for that to give bucks?
or does it give buck just because its enabled? Is this tied to the 'you get a zombuck for playing a minute in game', or that a different setting?
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Also, the player killed zombie event is not per minute.
It is just straight zombie kills.

If you have CPM, you can execute commands on the client.
But you need to have CPM installed.

I've never actually gotten around to messing with the banking. As for your other question, I think what you're going to have to do is make it so when the player types /gfx it writes gfx_pp enable to the autoexec.cfg

That or maybe make it so it replaces a line in the config, like have it look for "//gfx pp" and replace it with "gfx_pp enable"

Hope that helps.
That is a client command, and there is no config for it.