Discord JFF Supporter Group


NomadSoft Owner/Developer
Staff member
Oct 11, 2011
Hillsboro, OR
What it is:
Members of "JFF Supporter" group have donated to help offset the costs of running JFF.

How you get it:
If you donate, you'll be added to the group automatically if you've linked your discord account with your JFF account here on the website.

You can donate by either going to the main page of the website and scroll down on the right side of the page. Or, you can just click this handy link. =)

Donations are in no way expected, but they are very much appreciated. Thank you to all that have donated!
Is this a text or voice channel, and is it live now? I'm a supporter but didn't notice anything new in Discord. Leave it to me to break things!
It's a membership level group in the user list. You're no longer under JFF Members but under JFF Supporters.
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Is this a text or voice channel, and is it live now? I'm a supporter but didn't notice anything new in Discord. Leave it to me to break things!

As Bio said, it's just a "Group" overall, there aren't any additional voice or chat channels. Just a way to show that they have supported JFF =)
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