Ship Info, Deployments and Cargo
In this section, you can see the fuel gauge. This is how many "moves" you can make before your ship is no longer able to move. Fuel auto generates over time, as well as you can purchase more from Port Sol (Sector 1).
Credits - How much money you are currently carrying on your ship. This money cannot be stolen from other players, etc. It is 100% safe.
Cargo Holds - Your total cargo holds as well as how many are currently in use. The cargo resources listed below (Water, Crystal, Metal, etc) are the commodities that you will trade with the various trading ports you find throughout the universe. General idea, buy low, sell higher.
Attack Drones - The standard in attack power. You can deploy drones to a sector and they will stay there, attacking anyone (other than the Federation) who enter the sector. You can also send them into adjacent sectors to attack other forces in that sector, weaking (or outright destroying) your enemy, before you move in.
Sector Mines - These are much more powerful than attack drones, but can only be deployed in a sector you are currently in. These are best used as defensive measures for your home base. Or, to sabotage another sector...
Genesis Devices - These are used to create planets. Planets generate free resources for you, the more resources that are on the planet. You can also deploy various planet enhancing devices in order to help increase production. You generally want to guard this, as any other players can take whatever they want from it, once all defenses are removed.
Plasma Warps - Designed to modify the pathways (warps) between sectors, Plasma warps create a bi-directional warp between two sectors. Allowing you to quickly move back and forth between two sectors.
Gate Warps - Work the same as Plasma warps, except they are only 1 direction. They will create a warp to the specified sector, but do not create a warp back from that sector.
Flash Warps - Extremely powerful, Flash Warps will instantly transport your ship to the specified sector. However, without fully scanning the destination sector first, you never know what you're going to find in the new sector.
Anti\Cloaking Energy - Simply put, if you have more cloaking energy than another player has anti-cloaking energy, they can't see your ship.